Safety and Maintenance Rights Review

Published December 17, 2021

Lower income Torontonians frequently have difficulty finding affordable homes that are safe and well-maintained. The neglect of rental housing, causing them to fall into a state of disrepair, and the lack of affordable housing choices force many residents to live in unsafe and inadequate homes. The City of Toronto must take action to ensure that people’s homes are safe and secure, especially for vulnerable residents and people living on lower incomes.

Our in-depth Safety and Maintenance Rights Review report examines the City’s housing frameworks and programs through a rights-based approach. It provides insights into what is working, and where these policies are falling short in promoting renters’ safety and maintenance. The report includes a set of rights-based recommendations with practical actions the City must take to improve residents’ access to safe, adequate and habitable homes.

Read the report:

Safety and maintenance rights revie


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