David Meyers – Centre for Independent Living in Toronto
What does the right to housing mean to you? For me, the right to housing means that people across Canada have full access to affordable and accessible housing that meets their needs, as a protected human right, and adequately funded by all levels of government. Twenty-two percent of Canadians have a disability. As a disability…
Regini David – West Scarborough Community Legal Services
What does the right to housing mean to you? The right to housing means that people should have access to affordable, safe homes and live freely in their community without any discrimination. Policies and regulations should be designed by using a human rights lens to treat all tenants equally. Housing policies from the municipal, provincial…
Toronto City Council finally votes for Inclusionary Zoning
Following nearly three years of consultations, Toronto City Council has voted for the adoption of an Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) policy. This means that new housing developments near major transit areas in Toronto will be required to have a specific percentage of affordable units, whether it be condominiums or rental buildings. It is a welcome decision…